Do Guardian Angels Know Our Secret Thoughts?

To learn more about our Guardian Angel, let us look at a few common questions that people have about them.

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First of all, “When is the Guardian Angel Appointed to a Soul?

There is no official teaching regarding this reality, but many theologians, in particular St. Anselm, teach that, “Every soul is committed to an angel when it is united with the body” (Joan Carroll Cruz, Angels and Devils, 141). This means that the Guardian Angel is appointed at the very beginning of life.

This correlates to the next question, which is in reference to “Does everyone have a Guardian Angel, even non-Christians?”

St. Jerome and St. John Chrysostom both agree that everyone has a Guardian Angel and their teachings are taken up by almost every theologian throughout the centuries. This also agrees with the lived experience of so many non-Christians who are saved form peril by an angelic hand.

Another common question is, “Do Guardian Angels know our secret thoughts?”

The short answer is no. They have not been given a sort of special access to our thoughts, whereby they force themselves into our minds. However, we can, “will to reveal your thoughts and your secrets to your Guardian Angel by talking to him, as you would talk (pray) to a human saint in heaven or a friend on earth” (Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons, 95).

Additionally, our Guardian Angels have very intelligent minds and are experts at the art of observation, much better than us. This means that even though they do not have access to our thoughts without our consent, they can observe us and have a supernatural ability to know what we are thinking by merely being with us.  Nevertheless, if we want our Guardian Angel to know something, we must reveal it to them in prayer.

Connected to the question above, often people ask, “Do Guardian Angels know the future?”

Again, the short answer is no. They do not have access to the future unless God reveals it to them. Only God knows the future. Only God exists outside of time and only God can see all of time in an instant.

Similarly, demons or Satan do NOT know the future. They can, just like angels, make predictions about the future based on observation, but not based on hidden knowledge. They can observe and have a sense of what will happen. That is why when a person goes to a Tarot Card reader, the person can “predict” the future, not because they know something hidden, but because the demon behind it all is able to observe and give a general prediction.

Last of all, “How does our Guardian Angel affect us?”

Peter Kreeft gives a great summary of the ways they can affect us,

  1. As objects of Thought, they can fascinate us and stimulate our curiosity and wonder.
  2. As messengers from God, they can “deliver the good news,” such as the news of Christ’s coming (Lk 1:11-19, 26-38, 2:8-14).
  3. As Guardian Angels, they can fight evil spirits that tempt us.
  4. As Guardian Angels, they can miraculously protect us from physical harm (Ps 91:11-12). This is rare, however, and not to be counted on.
  5. As Guardian Angels, they can suggest things to our imagination or feeling. (Angels and Demons, 100)


In summary, a great image of our Guardian Angel is a “shepherd,” who watches over us, guides us, protects us, and corrects us when needed. He is able to influence us by suggesting good thoughts and deeds, but they can never override our free-will and enter into our minds/life by force.

They can help us, but we must allow them to do so. If we resist their constant urgings and suggestions, they will simply step back and allow us to followthrough on whatever sinful activity we are engaged in. However, their mission is to guide us to “green pasture” and to lead us to Heaven. They deeply desire our salvation and will do all that is in their power to ensure we respond to God’s grace.

How do we let them into our lives and allow them to have greater reign over us? Well, that is what we will look at next week to conclude our series on the angels!

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